Thursday, February 4, 2010


I sit to think, my thoughts on you
first like dandelions tickling the heads of stunted luscious green
then like "husk" settled in a tainted bowl of farine
served raw one night of drought
where stars glowed timidly and the Vykings',after prayer, slaughtered souls who cursed their mothers and stroked feathery felines on a charcoal steak
then they bruised their prey again
and beg for strength to ritualise their pathetic faith!!

I shudder to think, my thoughts on you
how ironic!.. they are
like you, once criticizing the taste of rich chocolate sundae
...When you served its contents, orally, to every "smacking" "clapping" colourless jello
sweeter than liquid of unmelted sugar
stirred but stubborn to the cause and blind to the occasion

I stand to think, my thoughts anew
in favour of a second glance, just to hear you
speak again...listen humane again...tickle my feet again
there's more good in you than "good" in bold
Lose the hat and strangle the Vyking!!...within

In wait of truth

I sit tonight, in wake of truth
My tears are shed in abundance of you
They fall, heavily, to meet with blank pages
Then, sizzle at the fibres of potential passion...touching with the core
of sodden spirits
Often encompassed by mistaken love
staggering at false appraisal...whimpering at linings of "gold" after the melt of "silver"...
kissing hands of mortal deceit...sharing meals with, genuinely, favored twins of
medieval war
Blending sentiments of affection under sheets of sweat...sweet...sweat

I lay in wait, in light of truth
hoping, someday ,to meet with you
To devour your ways..."fingle" with the depth of your eager adrenaline...taste the sensuous secret of literary lips and be washed into the sea, just, to quiver at the sight and sound of my rescue..inevitable

I rest in wait, in light of truth
to stay with you...ramp in the hay with you...sing "hooray!"
vulnerable and defensive,
favoured and offensive
Not on purpose but to rekindle, refine,inflame and ensue
the sweetness of wild grapes...ride on the trannels of sour chocolate??...dive in the legacy determined for heterosexual fancies...fantasies..

To love without thought of drowning dreams...dwindling hope... and suppressing Seeds of Light
To love and to inhale fumes of "crystal meth."...disturb the dirt of saints...
and NOT be afraid of death.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sweet Kinship

I sat, for the first time, in my sculptured womanly age
Shoulders square and torso erect
voice articulate and hair relaxed, then spun, then relaxed again
My transformations from who i was and where i socialized
were obvious, distinct, fluent and astonishing!

I stared in her eyes of dilated pupils and shifted the tint of loss
her dark, chapped lips cackled in eagerness, "I missed you?"
At...that...moment i jolted to reality to find that, after 15 years of distance, i am touching with the rugged, yet nurturing features of my birth mother

Harnested hatred escaped like the flash of light and tumbled to a demeaning dungeon; bundling with neglect, abandonment and scrappy affection
and shared with it, their dust
Wrinkled eyes now tearful, searched my face; as weather-beaten hands clung to the dingy kerchief, perhaps one retrieved from a dump of dirt in a forbidden place.
Her head covered with a towel, held together by a red string and skin; holding residue of its fabric
as she shivered in a flimsy dress

I stared back; choking on the lump of sound caught in my parched dry throat
I stared back; melting in her " sweet world" of doom and sailing in the ship of contagious, chest-rib, stomach-gritting hunger

"I missed... you too" spilled my response coated with...unconditional love

I found my half, now consciously matching my features with hers

I found hope, bursting from the prison of my breast

We hugged...i cried...she screamed...
and we dried tears of happiness

I was happy...for the first time...

I was happy...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Perpetual Silence

The shores you docked were my domain
For mine, which once, shaken and uncertain were steadied
at peace and obedient and without shame
My world of yours
My thoughts were yours
Your hand held mine
and we were silent
Spoken words, melodious vocals and moist lips
limited our language of passion.....boundless creativity......and picturesque prose

The shores you docked were my domain
where we met ,melt and felt, in shapeless kin
to tame, mould and trigger the art within
and wash my hands of guilt and of sin
In the "deep"; feathery fins, naked halved moons and twigged cocoons were even ours to reap and to keep

The shores you docked were my domain
where silence cleaved to cold chapped lips.....soundless to weary ears....loquacious to frightened squirrels....and belligerent to "clapping-hips"
It....caught my tongue...motioned my fingers...gripped a pen
and channeled an able heart
As, i blissfully swung on the ropes of abstract art

Now your ship has travelled to other "sures"
To touch, heal and calm shaking knuckles
it was then, i rode the rage of Rumpelstiltskin
when i pricked a finger on his machine


scurried to a narrow-escape...