Tuesday, January 10, 2012


How does the  incandescent shade  mirror the lines,
expressions and wrinkles of veined leaves,
curious eyes and bumble bees....on...Monday

Humid, bright and mundane

My eyes peel against the dimensions of the room but it doesn't..
matter where the wind blows or how the sun sets 
my body will remain still to cast the shadow of time

Silence is a microphone for the smooth-feathered flock, over head

and the blades of the fan seemingly clatter to dry...my...tears...
the quiet bunch of keys are bells..........and Silence.....the speakers!

My ears clasp against glass doors to hear the somersault of preserved.....species

Suddenly, i sink even deeper to visualize some semblance of rescue

The raft is rocking now, head submerged but life lingers still...at the surface....
through a straw

"icy" lips dust frost on my cheek and too, strips "naked" and humble...i liked it
for only a while

my fingers shiver to the the intensity of an athletes' heart....but i'll be dry....the sun
will peep out soon and i'll be....

I'll be dry...

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