Sunday, June 7, 2009


.....she swayed across the room to
.......capture my eyes
........slowly and skilfully to earn
..........her well-deserved prize
............i looked, she shook
..............but the flimsy dress
............... she wore above her knee
..............and under her breast didn't have to speak out
...........because even dim-lights illuminated
........the guy she danced on
.......bore features of a boy-scout
...young enough to be my son
.old enough to be your brother
.....................................................our eyes now four
................................................wondering how could a woman meet
.........................................such an unmentioned score?
.....................................and..who is.. her mentor? first visit; her job damnation; her resolution
.....................she approached and dangled a condom for me to see
.................. brushed her scarf above my knee
.............and flung the contents of the wrapper aside
.........just as she did with her pride and dignity

....a perfect actress
..the world her stage

...a woman who never knew her worth
........and traded her soul for far less
..........than dirt
............HIV POSITIVE
..............Sliding on poles, seducing switched sexes
.... .........clad in torn panty hose
.............HER PERROGATIVE
..........Or maybe not..... guys figure the rest
.....just remember regardless of your....situation or mess


Leonidas said...

now that i've sat down, undisturbed, to let this peice sink...the imagery is MIND BLOWING...a chip off the old pen well done.

shermaine said...

lol thank you